
Low maintenance knives:  What does that mean exactly?

With our powdered high speed steel knives, the edge stays sharp longer, rust build-up is low and there’s no need for oils – which means less work for the chef.

Of course, it’s still important to keep your knives in the best condition as possible so please follow these simple rules:

    • This knife is sharp! Take precaution when handling and storing
    • Wash with a soft sponge and dry blade by hand immediately after use
    • Always keep out of the dishwasher
    • Keep from cutting extremely hard objects (such as bones and frozen food), which may cause chipping or damaging the blade
    • Use a proper cutting surface such as a wood or plastic cutting board; avoid metal, glass, ceramics, bamboo or other hard surfaces
    • For best sharpening at home use Japanese water stones, or bring to a professional annually
    • Do not try to bend or twist the blade

By following our Take Care instructions, our blades can last a lifetime. Please do note that the wooden handles can show wear and tear if not kept dry, as well as over time. For a fee, we can replace handles.

However, if any unexpected issues occur, we will repair, replace or take back any products that don’t meet our quality promise.

Click here to view our full Return Policy.

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